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How To Run Great Remote Meetings
How to Run Great Remote Meetings
Running a remote meeting is a great way to engage with your workers and team members, without having to go to the hassle of getting everyone into the office for a meeting. There are a huge number of benefits associated with remote meetings and this makes them incredibly popular choices for an ever growing number of businesses; however, in order to get the most out of remote meetings, it is imperative that you take the time to do them right!
Why Choose Remote Meetings?
There are so many reasons as to why remote meetings, when done well, can be a great way for your business to get its workers together. Not only do group meetings allow for discussion with team members from around the world—opening up the business to worldwide talent—but they are also great for other reasons too. For one thing, participants in a remote meeting don’t need to worry about the daily grind so much; if anything, they can have a lie in in the morning, which in turn can increase attention span and productivity. In addition to this, remote meetings mean that meetings can be scheduled at any time. So long as your team members have semi-reliable internet access, they will be able to partake in the remote meeting without difficulty.
Top Tips for Great Remote Meetings
If you’re thinking of trying out remote meetings, or have otherwise tried before without success, our top tips for great remote meetings could help. All of our top tips are designed to allow you to have an awesome meeting, without needing to worry about the technical issues or any other complaints that might arise.
For one thing, before deciding to hold a remote meeting, make sure that all of your team members can partake. If a team member has slow internet connection, for example, then they may not be able to join in or if they do, their connection may lag and disrupt the flow of the meeting. This is particularly the case for team members who live in rural areas, where internet connectivity is often lower than in the cities.
Next, think about the software that you are using. There are many different video conferencing tools and apps available, but not all of these are created equal. Some offer a far better standard of video conferencing services than others. Choose a reputable service provider that you can trust to give you great video conferencing results!
Next, make sure you and all team members are courteous. Speak one at a time, and don’t allow anyone to try to talk over one another. In a team meeting setting, it simply will not work. And systems not working will only lead to stress down the line—hence, it is essential that you make sure the ground rules are well established and accepted before the meeting even begins to avoid arguments and quarrels.
A great tip for video conferences and remote meetings is to give attendees a schedule in advance. This will keep things moving smoothly and ensure that people can ask any questions that they may have. It will also allow your team members to come up with potentially useful contributions in advance, as well.
Finally, just remember to stay calm! Everyone will be getting used to the new system and there will be some errors and frustrations to start with. However, if you and your team members can work through these frustrations, you will likely find that you may never want to go back to traditional, in person meetings again (for better or for worse is up to you and your business).