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10 Tips To Make Working From Home A Bit Easier

All of us are trying to work from home a little more at the moment with the Coronavirus lockdowns, and this can come as quite a shock to the systems for many people. Indeed, while the workplace has rules and procedures in place that make it easy for us to work at our best, it can often be hard to maintain that enthusiasm and professionalism while working from home. As such, any tips that can make working from home easier are welcome—and hopefully our top tips for working from home will help you to make the most from things!

Top Tips for Working From Home Working from home can seem like a chore at the time, but there are a number of different ways that you can work to stay focused and motivated. Working from home can be great if you take the time to embrace the new possibilities—and following our top ten tips may also help you make the most from working from home too!

#1 — make sure to get rid of distractions! There are lots of distractions in our own homes that can stop us from working at our best and most effective. As such, the easiest way to ensure you remain focused is to simply remove these distractions from the immediate vicinity so that they aren’t quite as distracting as they could have otherwise been.

#2 — have all your equipment to hand! This will help to ensure you don’t have to get up all the time to get new equipment, which will further help you focus and concentrate.

#3 — get up early! This is key. If you are used to starting work early in the morning, as most people are, then starting your day early can be a good way of getting yourself “in the mood” to work.

#4 — unless you’re a night owl! If you work best at night, you may do better to do your work later on in the day. Most people work better in the morning but if you think that working later on in the evening could help you to be more productive, do it—working from home gives you the freedom to do so, in many cases, although make sure to check this is OK with your boss first.

#5 — have a routine! Having a routine is an essential part of working successfully from home, but a lot of people don’t realise this. Get up and go about your daily routine as you would with any normal work day.

#6 — don’t lounge around! Similarly to the point above, making yourself feel “in the mood” for work is important if you are to be productive in working from home. Get dressed and do not, whatever you do, try to work from bed. You’ll only get bored and distracted in no time, we guarantee.

#7 — have a dedicated workplace! This will help you to further get in the zone for work, and should help you to focus for longer periods of time on your work.

#8 — get snacks ready! When working from home, it is quite likely that your mind will begin wandering at some point—and one of the first things that it will probably wander to is the topic of snacks. However, getting up to go to the kitchen can disrupt your flow and stop you working at your best, so make sure you have snacks ready and on hand before beginning work so that you don’t have to get up to get a snack!

#9 — plan your meals! Planning your meals will help you to further steer clear from the distraction of food. #10 — embrace it! This is a new chance for most of us to work from home, so keep a positive attitude and you’ll surely do well with your work from home experience!